
Showing posts from April, 2016

The Thief

Hello One and All.  I come here today to share a story, a story of loss and a dream of vengeance.  Just the other day on a Tuesday afternoon much like many Tuesdays before something unspeakable happened. I was using the loo like any lady must throughout the day, and with me I had my lunchbox. Yes, I know that lunchboxes and bathrooms shouldn't go together but it was for this very fear that became my reality that I brought my box with me into the terrifying place called the women's restroom, hanging my steadfast and reliable lunchbox from the tiny little hook in the stall. It seems I was rather distracted while taking care of business and after wrapping up I walked out of there without a care in the world.  I began walking home, that's when I noticed, my beloved lunchbox was nowhere to be found! Panicked I began to track down mentally everywhere my dear box could be, was it in a classroom, somehow in my backpack or was it just as I feared, left for dead in the ba...