
Showing posts from October, 2017

Biker Babe

Welcome to today's edition of J Buege's makeup emporium. As always said product is 100% cruelty-free! Can I get a cheer from the bunnies in the back! Anywhoo, it was time for me to restock on some of my face paint and I found myself at Ulta. I arrived meaning to exchange some foundation that was too warm for my pasty doll-like skin. However, one does not simply enter Ulta and leave empty handed. After a half hour of browsing I was struggling to hold all the goodies I collected.  As you may or may not already be well aware Ulta is stocked wall to wall with glorious products. Ranging from drugstore-esque to high-end goodness. I'm always tempted by the fancy-scmancy stuff but I end up leaving with a basket full of bargains. What can I say, I'm a cheapskate at heart. But hey, some of the cheaper stuff is just as good in my opinion! Especially when it comes to cruelty-free options!  This time around I got sucked into the wonderful world of NYX. These are my findi

Paranormal Places

I've been to a handful of seriously famous paranormal places in my life thus far. Like any avid fortean fan I have a creepy bucketlist  filled with locations I'm just itching to check off. Alas, until those days come all I can do is reminisce over the spooky experiences I've had thus far. The Lemp Mansion: Nestled off the highway in a cozy St.Louis neighborhood, to the untrained eye the Lemp Mansion appears normal enough. However, this historic building is anything but! A home of wealth, power and tragedy; many members of the Lemp family met their demise inside those four walls. After immigrating to Missouri from good ole' Deutschland(Germany) John Adam Lemp discovered the market for lager beer was in it's prime. Soon the Lemp family became the greatest lager beer brewers in the U.S. The Lemp brewery was St.Louis' pride and joy, symbolizing the city's greatness. Sadly, in the years to come many members of the Lemp family died of suicide, heart attacks a

Halloween Costumes That Will Prevent You From Becoming A Popsicle

As a woman who lives in the frozen tundra we call Wisconsin, I whole-heatedly understand the struggle that is looking cute on Halloween and not freezing your butt off. Seemingly everything at the store is skimpy, leggy and straight-up not manufactured for those of us who may need to contend with snowflakes on Halloween night. This year I sought out some options to contend with this challenge. Cruella De' Ville  Some Villains will do anything in the name of high-fashion including but not limited to dog-napping 101 puppies to achieve the perfect look. Although Cruella's life choices are a bit questionable this devious diva is sure to stay toasty warm in her glamorous fur coat. Getting into character is as eary as 1,2,3. Hit-up your local thrift store in search of the perfect jacket, snag some dashing red gloves and don't forget those alluring two-toned locks. A Scarecrow Much like the Scarecrow in the Wizard o

Haunted MKE

If you're looking for a real life Ghost Adventures experience this Halloween look no further! Milwaukee is home to a handful of historic haunts that are sure to satisfy your paranormal itch. Shaker's Cigar Bar Voted the 5th most haunted bar in the nation, Shaker's is a Milwaukee gem. With a gruesome history starring the Midwest's biggest and baddest mobster Al Capone, it's easy to imagine why the spirits at Shaker's still go bump in the night. Treat yourself to one of their guided tours and learn more about Milwaukee's dark past. Featuring: brothels, murder and crime, oh my! If you're feeling extra brave you can even spend the night. Between a few "Death in the Afternoon" cocktails and cigar or two you might be able to get some sleep. The Milwaukee Public Museum  Between the ancient artifacts and the convincingly lifelike displays, the Milwaukee Public Museum feels like the perfect place for a haunting. Thanks to former museum director

Freak Your Lips Out

Hello, welcome to today's adventure in cruelty free makeup featuring Dr.Lip Bang's buzzing lip balm!  You read that right, buzzing lip balm. Well, what the heck does that mean? I'm happy you asked. I've been using Lip Freak lip balm for a few months now and this stuff is the shizz. As I've mentioned a time or two the product is buzzing lip balm, and it does just that. As odd as it may sound this product legitimately gets your lips tingling with excitement. The product's slogan is, "freak your lips out", well friends, consider my lips freaked.  A few things worth noting. First, a little goes a long way! The first time I applied this stuff I smothered my lips with it. I'm talking multiple layers of glossy goodness. However, I was sadly unprepared for the party my lips were about to throw. Moments later my mouth felt as if it was about to vibrate off my face. No exaggeration! This stuff doesn't hold the title of, "the strongest buzzing