Midwest Road Trips

I feel a road trip coming on! 

Check out a few fun places here in the Midwest!

Wisconsin Dells- Proud holder of the title, "water park capitol of the world". Wisconsin Dells is filled with just the right amount of over-the-top cheesiness to draw tourists from near and far. The Dells have a little somethin'-somethin' for everyone. With outrageous hotels, weird attractions and natural beauty who could resist? Somehow, even after all these years driving through this little spot always fills me with wonder. Here's a short list of things you will see, An Indian Jones inspired pyramid, an upside-down replica of the White House, the world's tallest man, wizards, a haunted dungeon, Paul Bunyan and a 3-story Trojan horse. This place is seriously strange, in a magical sort of way. If you spend the weekend be sure to see some nature. Built along the Wisconsin River it's not hard to get a little rustic! The rock formations along the river are absolutely gorgeous and there are some spots that feel nothing short of mystical.

Side-story: The Ghost Outpost was my very first haunted house in the history of ever. It was a traumatic experience for 7-year-old me and my 2 siblings. My parents looked on in amusement at our terror. Looking back on the experience, I'd probably do the same thing if I had children. From what I recall the haunted house was pretty tame, the scariest part was a giant automatronic rat and the sound of an airbag popping above a tiny rock band of skeletons.

If you're looking for an additional out-of-the-box sight to see near Wisconsin Dells check out Dr.Evermore's Forevertron in North Freedom. Forevertron is one of the world's largest scrap metal sculpture parks and let me tell ya, it's really something. You could easily spend a few hours dinkin' around at the park, not to mention it's very Instagram-able (is that something the cool kids say?). Behold, a quote from the good Dr himself,"Intergalatic-You-All-Safe-Here-Hold-Hands-Head-Heart-Hope-Happy-Healing-Forevermor. Power on!" Intrigued? You should be.

Sugarloaf- It's the loaf-test with the most-est. Yeah, I'm not sure where that came from either, but what I'm trying to say is Sugarloaf rocks! I am ashamed to say I don't know all too much about my lovely neighboring state MN. However, I have hopped over the border along the Mississippi a time or two. Alas, on the other side of that lovely state line is a cute little town called Winona. Winona has bluffs to spare and tons of lovely sights along the river. If you've read my previous posts exclaiming the glorious wonder that is land along the Mississippi river, it should come as no surprise to you that I find this area ever-so glorious as well. Behold Sugarloaf:

The pictures above show the loaf from both angles. If you drive through the town of Winona you're sure to spot it! Seeing Sugarloaf is easy, finding your way to the top proves to be a bit more challenging. The entrance to the trail is tucked away in a residential neighborhood. After circling through a few times looking like creepers, my husband and I got the inside scoop on how to make it to the top from a woman on her morning jog. The ascent to the top is steep, but the loaf only shows it's true glory to champions and you are a champion so keep on climbing! The ground evens out at the top of the hill and you are met with a view that goes unmatched. If you're feeling especially daring you can conquer a small section of the actual Sugarloaf rock formation itself. Check it out...

Starved Rock State Park- I'm not speaking from experience with this one as I've never actually been to this park. Starved Rock has been on my bucket list for a year or two now. I have a thing for rocks and this park looks pretty neat. Based off what I've seen the landscape looks vastly different from the rest of Illinois. Not to be a hater but Illinois is flat as a pancake and roadside excitement seems to be a bit hard to come by. Then again I could be completely wrong! There are many places in IL that remain completely unexplored by me so I mean no offense to any locals who may be reading this post. Anyways, back to Starved Rock. The park was voted the #1 attraction in the state of Illinois. With attractions like waterfalls, canyon tours and hiking trails to be explored it sounds like a great time! The park also offers reservations at an onsite cabin, just like the one Lincoln stayed it! Ok, that last part was a lie but I'm talking about IL here I had to make an Abe reference. 


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