Game On

What's up Nerds!

It's time I let you in on a little known fact about me. Are you ready for it? Ok, here it goes...from time to time I like to indulge in the wonderful world of video games! Oh I'm sorry, was that less exciting than you were hoping for? Anyways, I'll be the first to admit that my love for gaming comes in bursts. I'm what the cool kids might refer to as a "filthy casual". Alas, I am not ashamed, I'll rock that title with pride! I'm not one for competition nor am I much of a puzzle solver so my preferred genres of games are first person shooters, RPGs and anything that involves button mashing. Button mashing FTW! Recently I started playing Diablo 3 which inspired me to write this post. So please, sit back and relax as I tell you about my favorite games.

This is the game that started it all. Gauntlet is a classic! I have fond memories of playing it for hours on end as a young sprout. Arguably one of the greatest things about this game is that it requires little to no strategy. Not to mention the famous sayings from the narrator in the background such as, "blue elf needs food badly" or, "red wizard is about to die" and last but not least, "death has appeared." Or as I like to say, "Jeff has a beard." Who doesn't love those super snazzy character moves such as rock shower and wheel of death? An oldie but a goody, Gauntlet rules!

Ah, Left4Dead the game that single-handedly sparked not only my love for zombies but the entire nation's! I remember a time pre-Walking Dead where it seemed everyone and their mother was playing this game and loving it! Now I know that's a bold claim but I think I might be on to something here... Anyways, back to the game. Left4Dead is fast paced and exciting. There's nothing quite like the adrenaline rush you get whilst trying to escape the fury of a raging tank.

Dead Island
Once again, a game inspired by my newfound love of slaying zombies. Dead Island is alright, I never enjoyed it as much as playing Left4Dead but it was entertaining. The worst thing about this game is that you can't play a 2 player game from one counsel. Sadly, this seems to be the trend with a lot of multiplayer games being released these days. Anyways, the best thing about playing Dead Island were the interesting profanities that spewed out of our mouths while trying to defeat our foes.

League of Legends
After my obsession with Left4Dead I entered my LOL phase. I remember being annoyed and confused my first time playing as I charged under the enemy team's tower repeatedly and was punished with certain death each time. Eventually, I got the hang of it. To be honest, much of the time I'm not competitive enough to enjoy playing against real people and I usually stick to destroying bots. This might be due to the fact that playing bots makes me feel like I'm actually decent at the game vs getting 'ulted' by the opposing team every other second. However, I can't deny the feeling you get after going on a kill streak is rather exhilarating.

Resident Evil
My husband and I have devoted many hours into various Resident Evil games. Equally fun and frustrating I remember playing a boss level against some sort of giant gelatin skeletor creature and failing time and time again. Then one fateful evening we finally conquered the beast! Resident Evil is stressful, frightening and fun and I love it! Sadly, the past few games they've released have been one player or have had weak 2 player campaigns which truely saddens me because I can't get enough of that Chris Redfield swag.

Diablo 3
Diablo is fun because of how customizable everything is. Plus, who doesn't love a good story about an evil overlord trying to take over the earth with his minions. What's not to love? My character in this game is a B.A. female demon hunter named Bernie Mac. She's pretty much the coolest. I haven't gotten too far in this game yet but I like how quickly you level up and can change your character's abilities. Also, it's worth mentioning that Diablo 3 is pretty much Gauntlet on steroids.

Game On!


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