Born to Blend

Long time no write... 

I apologize for my hiatus, school started back up for me the second week of September so I've been a bit preoccupied the past few days. Sadly, my blogging will probably slow down quite a bit throughout the semester alas, I'll do my best to check in here and there!

I come bearing the gift of a delightful new recipe! Jake and I got a Ninja blender as a wedding gift and last night I finally had the chance to put that baby to work. Being the treat fiend that I am of course the first thing I crafted was a dessert! To make things even better this recipe only required 3 ingredients, that's right 3!! Without further adieu I present to you, peanut butter chocolate banana "nice-cream"!

Step 1: Hit up the grocery store and get yourself some scrumptious ingredients. You will need....
* 3 Bananas
* Cocoa Powder
* Peanut Butter
Make a list check it off twice, you're one your way to deliciousness. Boom-baby!

Step 2: Freeze the ba-anna-anna-yeahs. Make sure they're nice and chilled just like you're cold, dark heart. (just kidding... or am I?)

Pro-tip: Peel and cut up the bananas first... trying to peel frozen bananas is very cold and uncomfortable, my fingertips wept.

Step 3: Add ingredients and blend!
Let the nomz get one step closer to fulfilling their destiny! Blending should be pretty speedy, it took me maybe 2 minutes.

Step 4: Pour into bowls and freeze.
At this point I added some dark chocolate chunks because I love chunks and must always have them! Plain ice cream is not enough, it must always have at least two different varieties of chunks minimum. There is a legitimate rule out there somewhere stating this, don't even question it, just embrace it.

Step 5: Enjoy!
Just like that you made your own ice cream! Look at you, you're such a champ!
That's all for now folks! 

Bonus: See below for an actual picture of the face you will make upon trying this recipe....
You're welcome.


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