
Showing posts from May, 2018

Goddess Provisions May Box

The May Goddess Provisions box was all about alignment, and wow did it land on my doorstep just in time. I remember driving home from my internship the day the box arrived, the Hoan Bridge was extremely foggy that evening and it seemed I was driving into an endless abyss of white nothingness. Naturally, this caused my brain to have a minor freakout and my heart began to race. Annoyed by the feeling of sudden discomfort I arrived home feeling a little unnerved. Alas, I checked the mail and beautifully perched upon my stoop was my monthly Goddess Provision box, hooray! Little did I know the items I was about to unbox would help soothe my mind, they were just what I needed. The name of this month's box was, "get rooted" and it was the best. Liliac & Willow Candle:  I was patiently awaiting another candle after quickly burning through the delightful Cottagewicks one featured in the  February box . Luckily, with a fresh, floral scent this cedar and flower blend from L

20 Questions: Meet the Blogger Edition

Name: Jenna Buege City: Milwaukee  Sun, moon and rising signs: Leo, Taurus, Sagittarius Favorite Book? Weird Wisconsin Favorite ice cream flavor?  Ice cream is life. My personal fav. is the Tonight Dough by Ben and Jerry, the chunkier the better. What’s your most embarrassing childhood memory? As my family will be quick to point out, I thought I was a cat for the first 6 years of my life so that's cute. What are your 3 Favorite Movies? 1. Zoolander 2.  Harry Potter 3.  Lord of the Rings What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever been?  Too many to choose from, but Trempealeau, Wisconsin has a special place in my heart despite not being very exotic.  What accomplishment are you most proud of? My recent work at UW-Milwaukee and my internship. I've also been working hard to stay up to date on my blog and other creative endeavors.  Who would you like to live like for a day?  Fox Mulder, exploring the world in search o

True Life: I'm Obsessed With Smoothies

Over the past few weeks, I've been totally neglecting my blog. My days have been jam-packed with school, an internship and everyday life resulting in a lack of inspiration. And in a world of being burnt-out for days on end I kept scolding myself, "ah, I have to update my blog!" Alas, here I am, unleashing my brain and letting my fingers type wildly. So how about a life update? You know what I've been totally obsessed with lately, smoothies. Yup, I've been Pinterest deep-diving into all things delicious and smoothie-related for the past few weeks and it's been the bomb-diggity, ya'll. What's so great about a smoothie you might ask? Well, they're fast, portable and absolutely scrumptious and if that's not enough to sell you on it you're certifiably bananas (which are coincidentally an essential ingredient in most smoothies). I'm not quite sure what sparked my sudden irresistible desire to blend, but I had a Ninja hanging out in my pan