Dragon Ball Z

Dragon, Dragon!
Watch the Dragon!!

Alright, I must admit I may be kind of, sort of, maybe a little late on this one but I have finally been introduced to the excellence that is Dragon Ball Z!! Yes, this show was on when I was a child, yes I'm a grown woman watching cartoons, what are you gonna do about it!? Dragon Ball Z kicks freaking butt! I've already proven my new addiction to this show by ordering a super B.A DBZ tank top from Hot Topic so I can pretend to be a super cool Sayian warrior, whaddd up! Now, let me explain my predicament, I was a sheltered child growing up and my mother refused to let me partake in the watching of the shows all the cool kids grew up loving, take for example, Pokemon, Dragon Ball Z, and Digimon. Oh yes, I was denied viewing rights to these cherished animated series because they were too violent, I was also forbidden to watch the Simpsons because it was too vulgar, now one of my favorite shows is South Park, my how the tables have turned! As one can imagine I have had a lot of catching up to do in my older years, I still haven't seen every original Pokemon episode thus making me a fail to my fellow 90's kiddos.

Enough about me though, let's get back to the topic at hand: Dragon Ball Z!

Please, sit back and enjoy my random thoughts from the first saga.

1) Goku more like Slow-ku:
   - What is this some kind of sick joke!? Eff' Snake Way, this shiz is getting ridiculous. Are you seriously telling me one of these powerful other dimensional dudes couldn't help Goku get to King Kai, come on guys, help a brotha' out, Goku has to save the mother flippin' Earth, is that not important enough for you?! Goku only has a year before the Sayians arrive to obliterate earth and he's been on stupid snake way for what feels like eons, pretty sure at one point he says he's been running on it for 9 months, 9 months!?!?!?!? WTF! Then come these shady hoes along the way trying to charm him with food and their sick dance moves, PLEASE! Get out of here fools, Goku has no time for this business and he's got some Chichi waiting for him back home. Summary: move your ass Goku, let's go!!

2) Sayian Thighs:
    - I thought Hercules thighs were magnificent, that was until I got a glimpse of Nappa. I want to cosplay as a Sayian Thigh, that's how ridiculous these things are! This man's one thigh is the size of my entire being, what a beast! Sayian thighs deserve to be celebrated, perhaps Friday can be renamed thighday and we can all pay tribute.

3) The Moon:
    - Moon, are you here are you there... I though Piccolo blew you up, why are you so inconsistent?? I spied you trying to sneak a little peak from time to time, you sneaky sleuth. You're dead moon, no one wished you back with any dragon balls, move on, GOSH.

4) The Dragon:
    - Speaking of dragon balls, I feel like Mr.Dragon could do a better job with his wish granting execution. Goku is wished back to life but he is still in another dimension... come on Dragon stop being lazy, go big or go home, someone wished back should return to wherever their wisher desires ,but apparently in Dragonland there's no fun in that.

There are probably logical explanations that hardcore DBZ fans could fill me in on for most of my random thoughts, these are just my miscellaneous brain nuggets, please don't mind me :)

Dragon Ball Z is awesome!! Vegeta is an excellent jerkwad, Goku is just plain spiffy, Piccolo no longer scares me and Gohan is an alright kid in my book!

There are many more sagas to be completed, and this is a journey I am more than willing to take!
Onward I shall trudge, much like a Sayian trudges into battle!

I'm over 9,000!!!!


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