Bye, Bye Dexter.

I'm trapped in a glass case of emotion.

Last night I finally got around to watching the series finale of Dexter. I felt all of the feels, tears were shed. There has only been one other television event worthy of making sadness leak from my eyes. That moment ladies and gentlemen, was the episode of How I Met Your Mother where Marshall's dad dies, *Sniff* RIP Martin. Seriously though, as television consumers we invest so much of our time into some of these shows that we can get attached to the characters, it's almost as if I could taste all those delicious doughnuts Dexter brought to the station seemingly every morning. 

I know I'm very much the minority with this but I really didn't mind the finale. Now before you start making a mental list of all of the admittedly valid reasons the ending crashed and burned let me tell you a little something, something about why I for the most part loved it! I'll even throw in some bonus commentary about things I hated. ;p  

***Warning: Spoilers Ahead***
(Who am I kidding, everyone and their Grandma is already caught up with this series, but just in case :]) 

Despite being horrifyingly depressing, terrible, awful and heart-wrenching Deb's death packed just the right amount of punch. Deb easily became my favorite character of the show and it was painful to see her go, her death definitely provided the emotional anguish for both viewers and Dexter alike. Not to mention poor Quinn! Team Joey and Deb lost a critical member of the twosome, which couple am I supposed to cheer on now, Dexter and Hannah? No thanks. Why oh whyyyy was it necessary to bring back Hannah Mckay? Life would have been so much better if they let her wander off after the previous season never to return again. I suppose Hannah wasn't all too bad, I just would have preferred the Dexter pre-lovesickness to be back in action. Also, good lord woman dye your hair, get a hat, do something, I'm begging you do anyyyything to better hide your identity!

Dexter taking Deb's body and dumping her in the ocean along with his other victims was depressingly poetic seeing as in the end that's exactly what she became, the victim. I do wish that Dexter would have died out in the hurricane instead of ending up alone in some lumberjack colony out in BFN. How does one charge head on into a raging hurricane in the middle of the ocean and not die? This is beyond me but apparently Dexter had a 1up to get him through it. However, despite all of this sadness and weirdness I still liked the ending. Let's face the facts, Dexter doesn't get to have a happy ending and this episode was basically a huge swarm of karma coming after him to take away everyone he truly loved. 

I'm sad my Dexter journey has come to an end, it's been real. Thanks to Netflix I can always start it all over again, until then it's time to find a new obsession! I'm going to go lock myself in a dark room now and mourn Deb's death forever now, ok bye.


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