Good Reads
The grand idea to blog about my favorite books in 2017 popped into my head, then I (somewhat embarrassingly) realized I read maybe six non-school related books over the past year. Whoops, between college, working multiple jobs and wasting countless hours on the inter-webs, I neglected to show my book shelf some much needed love. But, I did manage to sneak a few page-turners in from time to time. Here were a few of my favorites. Anna Faris is Unqualified- Anna, Anna, Anna, I love you! Ever since Scary Movie I've had a soft spot in my heart for Anna Faris. Something about her resonated with me and my love for her was recently re-sparked upon discovering her podcast, "Unqualified". When I heard Anna wrote a book I knew I had to check it out. "Anna Faris is Unqualified" is a book about being the awkward teenager, cringe-worthy dates and an insiders perspective of the ugly side of Hollywood. A funny and relatable read, I burned through the book in less than ...