Binge Worthy
Lazyyyy Time! It's cold and gross out so let's discuss something we all love, something to assist us all as we widdle away the hours enduring these chilly days.... that's right ya'll I'm talking about some high quality Netflix time. I pride myself in getting out there and staying active even in the frosty days of winter but not even I cannot deny sometimes all I want to do is get home, cuddle up on that couch and watch a good ole television series. Everyone needs to relax and be lazy from time to time and the season of winter was pretty much designed for such events to occur. See below for my list of TV delights! *Jane the Virgin This one came as a shock to me, I had heard about it before but never really had a clue what it was about. I saw some of my friends talking about it on social media and upon browsing on Pinterest one day I saw it on a list much like this one so earlier this week I decided to give it a whirl. Now, I'm on winter break from colle...