Binge Worthy

Lazyyyy Time!

It's cold and gross out so let's discuss something we all love, something to assist us all as we widdle away the hours enduring these chilly days.... that's right ya'll I'm talking about some high quality Netflix time. I pride myself in getting out there and staying active even in the frosty days of winter but not even I cannot deny sometimes all I want to do is get home, cuddle up on that couch and watch a good ole television series. Everyone needs to relax and be lazy from time to time and the season of winter was pretty much designed for such events to occur. See below for my list of TV delights!

*Jane the Virgin
This one came as a shock to me, I had heard about it before but never really had a clue what it was about. I saw some of my friends talking about it on social media and upon browsing on Pinterest one day I saw it on a list much like this one so earlier this week I decided to give it a whirl. Now, I'm on winter break from college right now and only working part time at the moment so I have a bunch of free time at the moment so please, please don't judge me when I decided to spend a day this week being delightfully lazy, I watched 6 episodes of this 42 minute long show, and let me tell you I don't regret one second of it! This show is a HOOT! That's right a hoot, I liked it so much I'm going to use an old lady expression to describe it. It's got comedy, suspense, drama, conspiracy and murderrrrrrr (read that last one in a creeper voice). All in all you should check it out! 

Next up we have.....

I know, I know, I'm a little late to be hopping on this bandwagon but what can I say, Jake and I saw this on Netflix and knew Dexter was everyone's favorite serial killer so we went right ahead and pressed play. A few years back I did watch season one, my sister tried getting me into the series and it never quite clicked with me at the time, however watching it now I'm really enjoying the show so far! You definitely have to be in the mood for a bit of a more serious, dramatic show and you can't multitask whilst watching this because you won't want to miss any of the details but the story-line is rich and will keep you coming back. With a band of lovable goofballs like sociopath/murderer/good-guy-in-his-own-way Dexter and his foul mouthed, bee-otch sister Deb who could go wrong? 

Bonus: This show ended forever ago so all of it's seasons are up on Netflix already, wooooo!! 

*Into the Badlands
You guys, this show is so much better than just some random cry for ratings for AMC as they force everyone to endure the first few minutes to get a glimpse of the preview for next weeks episode of Walking Dead! Samurais, barons, super secret mysterious powers, and bad ass redheads... hows that for a tiny taste of what this show has to offer?? Into the Badlands is said to be set in a post apocalyptic type world where viewers aren't quite sure what went down to make things so shitty, although apparently after the world goes to crap everyone trains to acquire hardcore ninja-like abilities. Yes, this show offers a lot of fighting scenes but it's not all blood and gore like one might expect, there is a war of wits going on behind the scenes from character to character, this includes lots of drama and backstabbing.

Sidenote: AMC sure does love gloomy Apocalypse themed series! 

Oh! Another sidenote.... this one isn't on Netflix as far as I'm aware, so this kind of stems away from the purpose of this post, but still GOOD SHOW! (Sorry guys) 

Hopefully this recommendation will just be a no brainer considering the fact that EVERYONE should have watched Portlandia by now!! Seriously who doesn't love the dynamic duo of Fred and Carrie!?! These episodes consist of a series of short skits where the actors play different characters, all of which you will come to love in their own way, plus who doesn't enjoy a good laugh poking fun at Hipsters. My favorite characters are Candice and Tori, two feminists running a dumping bookshop dropping lines like, "Every time you point I see a penis".

Hopefully one of these shows (or all 4!), can aid you in finding a cure for any winter boredom you may be experiencing, just try not to binge so much that your butt literally fuses to the couch and you become a human-couch hybrid.
Peace out. 


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