My Goals for 2018

It's that time of year again., people are trading in their bad habits and starting fresh for the new year.

Well, at least for a couple of weeks that is...

There's something about new year resolutions that never seem to stick. Whether your goal is to hit the gym three times a week or to crush those crappy eating habits in their tracks, most people have a tendency to start the year with a bang and quickly fizzle out. That being said, I find the idea of setting goals/resolutions to better oneself is admirable. Sure, there's no reason you have to wait for a new year to change your life, but hey, it sure feels like a good place to start!

I was jotting down some "2018 Goals" on my desktop notepad when I realized I was beginning to accumulate quite the list. 

Goal One- Blog More 
2017 has been a decent year for blogging. I hope to continue this trend during the new year.

Goal Two- Meditate/Yoga Each Morning
This has been a goal of mine for a while now. So far I've had two semi-successful spurts of creating a meditation/yoga routine. However, many mornings the idea of hitting snooze a few more times is more tempting than my desire to nourish my mind. Alas, I've read countless accounts of how beneficial meditation is and I want to establish this habit.

Besides, what good is a modern mystic if she doesn't even meditate?

Goal Three- Wake up 10 Minutes Earlier/Don't Sleep for Eons on the Weekend
This goal is directly linked to goal number two. As for the second part of this goal, "don't sleep for eons on the weekend," I've been guilty of sleeping until 9, 10 or even 11 a.m. over the past few months. I realize this is probably laughable to many of you, however, during the week my call to awaken is at 6:30 a.m. Essentially, if I sleep too long on the weekend I feel like a big ole' blob for much of the day. Despite knowing I'll feel crap-tastic later, I've fallen victim to my bed's enticing warmth and comfyness time and time again.

Goal Four- Drink More Water
Because er' body knows you gotta hydrate up!

Goal Five- Less Coffee, More Tea
Blessed coffee, you beautiful brown liquid from the Gods. How, I love you so. Why must you betray me and make it feel as if my heart is about to burst forth from my chest?

Coffee is grand, but it makes me feel legitimately insane sometimes. For this reason, I want to cut down my coffee consumption to one to two times a week. As a replacement I will opt for tea, which I've conveniently been stashing in my desk drawer so I have a pretty dope-a$$ selection. 

Goal Six- Improve Friendships/Relationships
I admit there have been times in the past where I didn't always put my friendships first. There have plenty of times where I've dipped out on plans, opting to hangout with my husband or to stay home alone instead. Luckily, this has already been something I've been working on for a while now. I make an effort to say, "yes" to more things I think will be fun and then stay committed to the plan. As I'm writing this I realize how shitty it sounds of me to make plans knowing full-well I might cancel them later. All I can think to say is in this digital age it's so easy to rascal your way out of something. But, take it easy on my please, like I said I'm trying to change!

Goal Seven- Stop Cutting People Off While They're Talking
And by "people" I specifically mean my husband, Jake. Which, I hope he isn't reading this right now because he might not even realize I do this... eh, who am I kidding, he probably knows.

I've noticed here and there I interrupt my husband while he's speaking and it must be super annoying. I want to level-up my wife skills and make a conscious effort to listen more and wait to start talking.

Goal Eight- Speak My Truth
Another thing that's been in the works for a while. As a Cancer-Leo Cusp I have a tendency to sit on my emotions until they boil-over, well this year I want to let that shit out!

Recently I've been practicing saying what I think and how I feel to anyone and everyone( in a respectable manner of course). This includes, speaking up more in situations where I may not feel 100% confident, not saying "yes" to things I don't want to do or don't agree with and having more honest conversations with myself and those around me.

Goal Nine- Stop Saying "Should" 
I read this little tip in Ruby Warrington's book, Material Girl, Mystical World. And I think it's damn good advice! Side note, that book is amazeballz, 10/10 would recommend!

**Read this Book!**

Goal Ten- Destroy Negative Thoughts and Replace them with more Positive/Realistic/Less Dramatic Ones. 
Lastly, but probably most importantly, I want to rewire my brain.

Much of the time my brain is going 100 MPH thinking about this, that and the other, calculating anxiety-inducing scenarios that are simply all consuming. Dramatic, yes, but ending the pattern of negative thinking has proved to be a tricky thing for me. In order to cope with this I've been practicing turning a negative thought/worst case scenario mindset into something more positive or at the very least more realistic.


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