Thoughts Everyone Has When Enduring a Hangover

Ugh, hangovers, am I right or am I right? 

Sure, last night was filled with good times and excitement but come morning you're plagued with instant regret as your body mercilessly punishes you for absorbing that liquid poison into your blood stream.

"WHYYYYY!?!?!?" you shout internally, cursing drunk you for having a little too much fun. "What did I do to deserve this cruel fate?" The answer is quite simple really, going by the name of Tequila, the shot small in size but mighty in power. Not to mention, totally capable of kicking your a$$.

Some hangovers feel like they come straight out of the 8th circle of Hell. Plus there's a rumor going around that as you become even more of an old bean the hangovers get even nastier. Fate can be cruel, one time blessing you with a post-drinking day filled with cheer and good health, and the next bringing a doomsday filled with next-morning misery.

Of course there is the unfavorable condition of vomiting at every chance possible as some sort of peace treaty promising to relive your body of all the nastiness you stashed away in it.

Hangovers SUCK. Yet, somehow we all keep coming back for more.

"I'm never drinking again" - Literally everyone who has ever been hungover...... (Enter next weekend) "Oh look, a beer!".

I digress. 


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