My 100th Post

My 100th post, well this seems momentous. 

A measly 100 blog entries may not seem like much to the seasoned writer but for me this feels like something worth celebrating. There are days I have the nagging feeling I should write more, but inspiration can be a tricky SOB. Luckily, there are also plenty of times when words begin to flow effortlessly from my fingertips creating some sort of wacky treat to be shared on this very domain. 

My writing has undergone quite the metamorphosis. The literary version of Neville Longbottoming if you will. After completing two years of journalism school rereading my previous entries can legitimately be cringe inducing. Oh yes, there are grammatical eye-sores aplenty and I am totally guilty of pressing the "edit" button to atone for some of my past sins. 

Despite the grammar-snob that I've come to be questioning, "whyyyyy?!?" every time I stumble upon these instances I've realized something. I've realize that I've come a pretty long way. Sure, I may not be the best blogger on the block but by-golly, I'm the best version of me thus far and I think that's pretty great! After a few more years, heck maybe even a few more months I might look back at some of my current work and want to analyze it with a red pen(BTW, hi future Jenna, how's life?). 

Long story short, like a beautimus flower on a spring day we're all growing. Whether you realize it or not you're in full bloom baby! 

Cheers to 100 posts and many more! *Grabs fake glass of bubbly* May your life be full of happiness and may you always keep growing! 


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