Being Old News is Awesome

Happy Valentines Day Friends! 

Ah V-Day, the single most despised holiday of people claiming it was made up by greeting card companies to make more money. This sounds like a conspiracy to me... Be that as it may, I know Valentines day isn't a favorite for everyone and that's A-OK! However, let it be know that if you're in a relationship or not there are people who love you and who are happy to know you. This isn't a day that has to be spent with a spouse to be enjoyed! Take a few moments to remind friends and family that you love them!

This post was not inspired by Valentines day whatsoever, it just happens to be a strange coincidence I'm writing this on the national day of loooove. Hmmmmm, sounds like another conspiracy, something fishy is going on around here.

Anyways, this weekend I had a thought. My husband and I had just gotten back from a veryyyy long day. We were up since 5 a.m. enduring the WI weather ice fishing. Yep, that is how we have Winter fun here in the frozen tundra. We then proceeded to stay out downtown until 1 a.m. that evening. The people we were out with were all in new/newish relationships. We were definitely the seasoned relationship veterans of the pack. Let me take this moment to address the concept of new love. New love is fantastic! You meet a person that you're totally crazy about and you want to spend every waking moment together because you are both just so completely awesome to each other. You get that butterfly feeling every time they enter a room and you conceal every burp, fart and other dastardly bodily function that creeps up upon you. New love is a whirlwind of excitement where emotions run high. New love is grand, and in it's own special ways so is old love.

Old love is a whole new ballgame. Old love is that secret look you give each other when you're out at a bar or an event and are ready to escape. Old love is the 3rd fart you let slip that evening (by the way I am sorry for ruining the delicate image that girls cannot and will not fart ever). Old love is a joke that has been so long running that you aren't even sure where it originated from. Old love is the aftermath of new love's glorious transformation. Things go from delightful mutual-obsession to a wonderful comfort and stronghold.

I cheer on new love from the sidelines yet I am very grateful to be through with that phase of my life. I guess all of this is my long drawn out way of saying that I'm thankful for my relationship and the promises that old love provides. I am happy to have found the person who enjoys me for who I am, weirdo and all!

In closing, take a few moments to appreciate the ones you love today! Yes, I realize there shouldn't have to be a special holiday each year for us to feel compelled to tell people that we love them, but don't be a party-pooper! Valentines day can be fun gal-darn-it! It's a holiday based around gooey feelings and candy! Do it for the candy!


Shout-out to my amazing husband Jake! I <3 You! ;)


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