Adventure Hunt

Challenges were accepted and buried treasure was the objective. The story of how we got our Adventure Hunt on! 

If you're looking for a wild way to spend your weekend you've gotta check out Adventure Hunt. What is Adventure Hunt you may ask? Well, go ahead and give this site a quick looksie, I'll wait.

By now you're completely mesmerized by all of the fun and excitement in those promo videos, I know that's what suckered me in! If you were too lazy to click the link allow me to explain... Adventure Hunt is a city wide search for buried treasure! In order to unlock the treasure map you complete a series of activities. Some of these activities are just for fun and some are for adventure!

Our day started Saturday morning. at a local beach. Teams of two gathered with anticipation wondering what kind of randomness the adventure list would have to offer once it unlocked promptly at 9.  The vibe was buzzing with excitement and after what felt like a short eternity the adventure list finally went live. Just like that we were off! A few of the first challenges involved teaming up with other Adventure Hunt competitors to preform some wacky stints. A few of these said challenges included building a human pyramid, 3-legged races and sticking a 2 person cartwheel.

One by one we checked objectives off our list. Everyone was slowly finishing up with the team challenges and the beach began to look barren as we all went our separate ways to complete our solo missions. We were feeling good leaving other teams in the dust as we cruised from one location to the next via bike.

The next hour or so was filled lots of commotion. We paddleboarded, did headstands and had strangers crack raw eggs over our heads, all for the sake of adventure!(to be fair my husband was the only one had the eggs cracked on his head. Gotta give credit where credit is due.)

Another thing worth mentioning is during each challenge one teammate must record a video to be posted on Instagram. This is how the people back at the AH headquarters are able to verify you actually completed the challenges in their whole. This makes sense seeing as some of the objectives are oddly specific such as skipping a rock 4 times or longboarding and making 3+ turns. So, once you complete 10 adventure points off the list and 10 fun points a button will pop up in the app prompting you to verify your list. Then you wait... FYI any and all waiting feels like an eternity because you're so amped up on adventure!

At long last your list will be verified and you'll be able to see the treasure map. Ahoy Matey! Pro-tip: you will DEFINITELY want to have access to a car once you unlock the treasure map as you will be carting around the whole city!! This is the part of the day that will really get your heart racing and your competitive juices flowing. Once the treasure map is unlocked you will be given your first clue in the form of the riddle. Each clue will bring you to your next destination, side-note: there are a crapload of clues(we had 22).

The hunt is advertised to be, "like the Amazing Race but better." Seeing as I've never been on the Amazing Race I cannot attest to that statement. However, cruising around town racing to beat other teams as you discover the checkpoints is nothing short of thrilling. At this point the competition is so thick you can taste it. We found ourselves driving across the city in a whirlwind. During said whirlwind we also discussed the fact that it's slightly terrifying that everyone competing was probably driving just as frantically but that's neither here nor there, we wanted to win!

Around clue #9 we got a bit stumped and then at clue #10 we got stuck behind a super long train which pretty much took us out of the top 10 standings. I have a feeling the competition wouldn't move as fast if we didn't all have 24/7 access to the Google machine to help aid us when deciphering the clues. I'd go as far as to call it cheating but I'm guilty of it too.

After waiting and waiting and waiting for what was probably the longest train ever(and it was still going) we both started coming down with a case of hanger. For those of you unfamiliar with this word, hanger= hunger anger, more commonly referred to as being 'hangry'. Hunger was setting in and as the never ending train continued to move at a record low speed our vibes began to fall. It didn't help either that during this time, our darkest hour my husband found the place in the app where you could see what place you were in. Spider Party(us) was in 15th place out of something like 96 teams. The team in first place had already completed 17 of 22 clues, we were on #10.

Maybe I should be ashamed to admit this but hunger got the best of us. Discouraged with rumbling tummies we agreed to call it quits. It was already 1:30 and we had unlocked less than half of the clues. Our chances of being in the top 10 were decreasing each moment. Pleased with our day so far we decided to end things on a high note before we succumbed to our not so nice feelings that come along with hanger.

Alas, we left with our heads high. We can still boast that we dominated the adventure list and had a blast doing so. Adventure Hunt is a great way to see new parts of your city. Easy transportation such as a bike is super nifty while working on the adventure list. When it comes to the treasure map you're gonna want a car. Most of all have fun!

Team Spider Party 4eva! 


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