
Do you ever look back on your life and think "what the crap was I thinking!?!"

Thanks to Facebook's "Timehop" feature this is a fun little hobby I get to do almost on the daily... I realize that I used to have no shame and as the masses like to call it, I gave 0... starts with F rhymes with bucks. Yes, many of the things I used to post on social media were quite odd however, anyone who knows me probably is not surprised by this because I myself am a rather strange being. Alas, there are things I see that just make me shake my head and ask myself "whyyyyyyy"....

For instance, out of boredom one fine day I was going through my old "liked pages" section, I kid you not one of my "likes" was dead bodies. Yes. Dead freakin' bodies. At this point you're probably like what theeeeee and getting ready to continue your internet quest elsewhere but hear me out.... I went through this really random zombie phase where my friends and I were super into doing gorey makeup and playing Left4Dead. I do not regret one second of this strange phase and I continue to enjoy nastifying myself to creeper status. However, dead bodies.... that's a bit too far. I seriously saw that and was like "Jenna, why did you do this... no, just no."

Now, for your reading pleasure, I present a list of my noteworthy social media "likes"...
- "Not wearing pants"
-"Zombie Jesus"
-"The oddly beautiful unicorn puppy"
-"Facial hair"
-"Dead bodies"
-"Singing in the shower and the rain"
-"Slaying dragons"
-"Dick Trickle"

Then there are the more oddly specific ones such as....
-"That random tree on highway 10"
-"I hate when you write someone a whole paragraph and they reply with "ok""
-"I really dislike stepping in water while I have socks on"
... I mean these things still are true but, no need to go letting the world know. Also, I'm pretty sure hating wet socks is a universal experience.

Those are just a few gems I dug up for you. I know they aren't all too amusing due to the fact that a few months ago I went through and deleted some of the more bizarre and pointless ones and let me tell you, Facebook does not make it easy for you to get rid of these things! You have to really take the time to finagle and delete them one by one. It doesn't help that they have all been accumulating there since the beginning of time! Or at least since I got Facebook back in high school circa 2005...

So there you have it, my musings for the day!

Keep on "liking", ya'll! 


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