Vortexed in Sedona

Simply put, Sedona is a mystical land of magical, glorious, wonder.

If you search for Arizona online chances are you'll stumbled upon some lovely pics like this...

Or this...

...showcasing the spectacle that is Sedona.

If you can't tell I'm really hyped up about this little piece of heaven. There are multiple reasons for my adoration of this lovely place. Firstly, I flippin' love rocks. I'm talking big ole' red rocks as pictured above, random rocks you find in the woods and beautimus crystal gems! Rocks rock!

Speaking of crystal gems, Sedona is famous for their magical vortexes. Where there are vortexes there are mystics and where there are mystics there are gems! Despite my husband poking fun at me, I have a rather large collection of crystals myself. They're just so pretty and mysterious my collection keeps growing and growing.

Anyways back to my story. We visited Sedona and had a lovely time. Here are some highlights from our trip!

Boynton Canyon
Our morning began with a hike through the Boynton Canyon. It took us a few moments to fully absorb the awesomeness of the landscape surrounding us. This trail is on the easy side as it's relatively flat and pretty shaded for being in Arizona and all. We hiked for about 2 miles on a seemingly endless trail. We were expecting it to spit us out somewhere near the bottom of the canyon but alas, we continued trekking onward. After a while we decided we wanted to climb and conquer some rocks so we turned around and opted to explore a different trail.

Epic journeys call for epic treats. Honestly, the name of this place is what caught my attention, doughnuts and puns, count me in! Sedonuts is a cute little place near many of the popular hiking destinations in Sedona. We had 2 doughnuts each and they all were delectable. The sugar rush brought us back to life and we were ready to roll!

Devil's Bridge Trail 
The name for this trail is fitting because this hike was it's own special kind of hell. Ok, perhaps I'm being a wee bit dramatic but dang, that trek was rough ya'll!

I wasn't sure how challenging hikes in Arizona would be for my husband and I because we're pretty well seasoned outdoors people. However, between the heat and the altitude Sedona trails kicked my butt! Luckily, we packed plenty of water so we were well hydrated. However, hydration also presents the issue of having to pee every 30 minutes which can prove difficult when you're out and about on very popular trail-head.

Getting to the Devil's Bridge took a while. We had to take a few breaks here and there. The trail starts off easyish but rapidly becomes more and more difficult once you begin scaling the edge of a red rock. Exhausted and out of breath we did eventually make it to the top! Despite feeling like my heart was about to beat out of my chest the difficult journey was very much worth the trip!

Enjoy this picture of us looking like ants on the Devil's Bridge!

Mystical Bazaar 
I couldn't leave Sedona without doing a little esoteric shopping. Sedona is all about magic, healing and connecting with your higher-self. There are many spiritual shops scattered throughout the town but, Mystical Bazaar caught my eye. The shop has a wide selection of crystals, books and tarot cards. Everything was reasonably priced and the workers were very kind and helpful.


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