
Showing posts from 2016

Wisco Roadside Attractions

The Truck in the Tree It's a truck and you guessed it, it's in a tree! Just outside of Clinton Wisconsin this strange sight acts as a landmark on interstate 43. Bizarre as it may seem, the truck in the tree was an act of love. Young Luke Madson asked his father Mark to build him a tree-house and this was the unique result.  The truck even has its own website! The Pink Elephant Travelers can visit "Pinkie" the Elephant while cruising through DeForest, WI. Pinkie sits alongside the highway in a gas station parking lot, complete with hipster eye-wear.  National Freshwater Hall of Fame  Even if you aren't into fishing the National Freshwater Hall of Fame in Hayward is worth a stop! Where else can you explore the belly of a giant fiberglass Musky?  Bonus: If you're lucky you might find a Yeti. What more could one want?  Dr.Evermor's Forevertron Dr.Evermor's creation is truly somethin

Appleton Action

Upon looking through my past posts and realized I like to write about things to do in different places and cities. Then it dawned on me, why not blog about some notable stops in my hometown Appleton, Wisconsin. Sure, as a local Appleton may not be the most exciting place in the world to me, but this little city really does have a lot to offer! See below for my favorite foods and sights in Appleton WI: The Monkey Bar: The Monkey Bar is my favorite place to go out on College Avenue. Monkey Bar offers a wide variety of scrumptious specialty cocktails and they have a pretty ballin' happy hour with cheap brews and such. Many spots on College Ave are great for dancing, but what I like most about this spot is how quiet and laid back it is, sometimes you just want to have a good conversation. Cleo's: I feel like I can't write a post about Appleton without mentioning Cleo's. This bar is a local legend with some truly unique decor. Fair warning though

2 Ingredient Cakes

Cake Talk. That's right ladies and gents you read that headline correctly. I'm talking 2 ingredient cakes! 2 ingredients, no more, no less! Who could deny such a beautiful thing? I'm not sure if I've digressed quite enough to make it clear to everyone how much I love cakes, ice cream or anything relatively dessert like and delicious. So, this is me telling you that I LOVE treats! You can imagine my excitement when I stumbled upon the idea of two ingredient cakes. First off, you only have to buy two things to make it so they're cheap, secondly all of the recipes boast how these cakes are somehow healthier for you due to the lack of ingredients. I'm not sure if I'm buying their claims but hey, I'll take it! Our first recipe is one that I know to be tried and true... Pineapple Angel Food Cake! All that you need is angel food cake mix and a can of diced pineapples. If you're an overachiever like me you should also invest in some whipped cream b

Weary Road

The Legend of Wisconsin’s Weary Road The 3 rd time's the charm, or at least that’s what they say about Wisconsin’s Weary Rd. Those in search of this mysterious man will find themselves traveling down a long dark road in Evansville Wisconsin lined with large villainous trees. Rumor has it that back in the day Old Man Weary was a local resident. Weary loved entertaining children and because of this he was accused of pedophilia. Neighbors began to whisper, claiming that Weary lured children to his property. Eventually, the parents had enough and decided to put an end to Weary once and for all. Late one night they set fire to his home tragically killing Old Man Weary and some of the local children. To make matters worse, it was later determined that Weary was innocent and there was no truth behind the accusations directed toward him. The home Weary resided in was reduced to rubble and can no longer be seen today. However, this fiery fate was not the end of Old Man Weary. In f


Twas one heck of a weekend my friends!  I was finally able to get into the October spirit the past few days and it felt great! I'm talking haunted house action, paranormal mysteries and a whole lot of fun! To start I visited the Abandoned Haunted House complex on the outskirts of Milwaukee. I cannot praise this haunt enough! Abandoned is a truly unique haunted house experience. The actors are committed to their craft and the sets they use are mind-blowing. You get the ultimate bang for your buck when you visit Abandoned because they feature not 1, not 2 but 3 haunted attractions! Two of the attractions are indoors and the other is an outdoor corn maze that they added just this year. Bonus: here's a fun little nugget for you.... The grounds Abandoned is build on are legitimately haunted! Just this last weekend I spoke with a gentleman from the Brew City Paranormal group who investigated there and he had video evi

Eat the Cake

Greetings Friends!  I hope you're all having a splendid day thus far. Today I want to take some time to touch on a topic that's a bit more serious, eating disorders. Sadly, I've known many people who've struggled with them throughout the years, including myself.  At first I wasn't sure if I should peg my experience as an "eating disorder" or if that was too extreme. However, the more I thought about it I began to realized that when you constantly obsess over what you're eating your behavior can be described as obsessive. Obsessiveness seems worthy of being associated with a "disorder" so I'll call it what it is. I had an eating disorder, here is my story. My story started back in 2014. I was the thinnest I'd ever been and I constantly tracked everything I ate on a fitness app. Going out to eat was a disaster. I would frantically search for the restaurant's menu online so I could carefully calculate my entree befo


Do you ever look back on your life and think "what the crap was I thinking!?!" Thanks to Facebook's "Timehop" feature this is a fun little hobby I get to do almost on the daily... I realize that I used to have no shame and as the masses like to call it, I gave 0... starts with F rhymes with bucks. Yes, many of the things I used to post on social media were quite odd however, anyone who knows me probably is not surprised by this because I myself am a rather strange being. Alas, there are things I see that just make me shake my head and ask myself "whyyyyyyy".... For instance, out of boredom one fine day I was going through my old "liked pages" section, I kid you not one of my "likes" was dead bodies. Yes. Dead freakin' bodies. At this point you're probably like what theeeeee and getting ready to continue your internet quest elsewhere but hear me out.... I went through this really random zombie phase where my friends

Born to Blend

Salutations!! Long time no write...  I apologize for my hiatus, school started back up for me the second week of September so I've been a bit preoccupied the past few days. Sadly, my blogging will probably slow down quite a bit throughout the semester alas, I'll do my best to check in here and there! I come bearing the gift of a delightful new recipe! Jake and I got a Ninja blender as a wedding gift and last night I finally had the chance to put that baby to work. Being the treat fiend that I am of course the first thing I crafted was a dessert! To make things even better this recipe only required 3 ingredients, that's right 3!! Without further adieu I present to you, peanut butter chocolate banana "nice-cream"! Step 1: Hit up the grocery store and get yourself some scrumptious ingredients. You will need.... * 3 Bananas * Cocoa Powder * Peanut Butter Make a list check it off twice, you're one your way to deliciousness. Boom-baby

Groom's Survival Kit

Happy Monday! As I mentioned in my previous post I got married this past weekend! The day was magical and lovely and an all in all grand time! I wanted to take a minute to share with any DIY-loving brides-to-be a fun gift idea to share with their future hubbies!  I admit I can't take full credit for this crafty little creation, I got the idea from "Pinterest", duh! However, I thought this idea was cute, fun and simple so I figure it's worth sharing! The Groom's Day of Survival Kit.... ***Socks*** To keep cold feet away ***Life Savers*** To keep you from drowning in emotion ***Booze*** To calm your nerves ***Mints*** To ensure a fresh kiss ***Ring Pops*** In case you forget the essentials   There you have it! See, I told you this idea is painless! Besides, this gift consists of mostly food so any dude is sure to love it. You can't tell but there's a pair of bad a$$ shark socks in there too, shout out to ou

Cabin on the Creek

Greetings to All!  I just want to take a moment to provide a shout out to Cabin on the Creek LLC in Fremont WI. This past weekend I booked the cabin to throw a fiesta in celebration of Jake and I's quickly approaching wedding day! We had a blast and our stay at this cabin more than exceeded all of our expectations. We had 13 guests total including ourselves, the cabin has 6 beds and can comfortably sleep 12. Not everyone in our party stayed overnight so this worked out perfectly for us. We were blown away from all of the amenities the owners provided from an oven, refrigerator and even pots and pans! There's a TV, boombox and a very unique basement bathroom (you'll have to visit in person to see what I mean ;p) this place seriously has it all! Not to mention the owners are extremely kind and went out of their way to make sure we had a great visit, complete with a tractor ride around the farm! So, I guess what I'm trying to say is THANK YOU to Cabin on the

Erh-Mer-Gerd Pokemernnnnn

Gotta, gotta, gotta catch em' all....  No, this post is not about Pokemon Go. Sorry to bust your bubble friends! As you may or may not be aware the beloved 90's animated series "Pokemon" is now available for your viewing pleasure on Netflix. Can I get a "Weeeeeeee!" for nostalgia!! Now, as I've mentioned in the past, my Pokemon knowledge is very limited as I was not allowed to watch the show growing up. "But wait.... the background of your blog is a Pikachu..." you may be whispering to yourself suspiciously. Yes, I know, I know... I'm a bit of a poser like that however, in my defense I did see a few episodes here and there and hey! who doesn't find that little Japanese mouse to be adorable!? Am I right or am I right? If my reasoning still isn't redeemable enough for you, you'll be happy to know I have begun my own Pokemon journey of sorts thanks to Netflix. Long story short, what I'm trying to say here is I started w

Places to go and Things to See: Potawatomi Edition.

Good Day to All! If you've read my blog before I'm sure you've already come to know that I am a fan of the great outdoors! This past weekend I went on a mini adventure to Door County's Potawatomi state park with my fiance and two good friends. Yes, Door County is a Wisconsin hot spot but, Potawatomi often takes the back seat to the more popular and well known Peninsula state park (It's ok Potawatomi, we can't all be one of the cool kids). I find Potawatomi to be a hidden gem and would certainly recommend stopping by if your ever in the mood to hit up Wisconsin's peninsula. While visiting the lovely town of Sturgeon Bay be sure to check out some of these hot attractions.... Not Licked Yet: Not Licked Yet is a scrumptious frozen custard joint up in Fish Creek WI featuring crazy sundae creations such as the Chubby Bunny and the Chunky Monkey, creepy gnomes and hungry ducks hoping to snatch up some popcorn. I am an ice cream fanatic so this place is a mus

Bathroom Woes

This is a post that I have been contemplating writing for a while now. However, today is the day I was pushed over the edge... Oh yes just moments ago I deemed it my destiny to scribe this fine rant once and for all. I work in a university setting, that being said everyone here is a grown a$$ adult. Therefore, it seems logical to me that each of us would understand proper bathroom etiquette. Well my friends, I have been proven time and time again to be sadly mistaken. Oh the things I have seen. My poor eyeballs have been scarred for life, their innocence stripped away one disturbing bathroom visit after the next. Doust tho know not how to flush? Fellow restroom goers why have you forsaken me!?! Frightening beasts dwell in those cursed stalls, some more vulgar than others yet each equal in terror and disgust. Bathroom users (aka everyone in the Human race) you have me down on my knees. I'm begging you please flush it down. flush it down, down, down, flush it down, down, d

Super Magic Time!

Hear ye, hear ya my lords and ladies Every awesome person knows that a visit to the Ren Faire is a Summer "must"! If you haven't been fortunate enough to experience the magic of such an event or if you aren't quite convinced the faire is all it's cracked up to be allow me to present you with some reasons Renaissance Faires are the bomb-diggity. Reason #1: Food Where else can you devour a giant freaking turkey leg the size of your arm? Showcase the barbarian you truly are and chow down!  I legitimately saw a woman wearing a shirt that said "I'm only here for the turkey legs", now that's what I call a testimonial. Turkey doesn't trip your trigger? Alright, how about some delicious soup complete with an edible bread bowl! Too hot for you? That's ok! Dive in to a delightful bbq sandwich or even some fresh pizza! Don't forget to wash it down with a hardy brew! While we're on the subject of food, DO NOT even get me started on the